Astric Announces Strategic Shift and Closure of Mantric Labs

Astric Announces Strategic Shift and Closure of Mantric Labs

For Immediate Release

Dallas, Texas – Astric, the parent company of Mantric Labs, today announces a significant strategic shift in its business direction. This pivot involves the closure of Mantric Labs, a division renowned for its innovative approach to skincare and wellness. This decision is aligned with Astric's broader vision of concentrating on Consumer Services, particularly focusing on the vibrant communities of Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio.

A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

Mantric Labs has been at the forefront of skincare innovation, embodying our mantra, 'Love Starts With Skin.' The division has been instrumental in developing groundbreaking products like the Clean Slate Daily Face Wash, setting standards in the skincare industry. Mantric Labs' legacy is defined by its commitment to quality, research, and understanding the evolving needs of our consumers.

The Future: Embracing Consumer Services

Astric's strategic realignment towards Consumer Services reflects a response to the dynamic market environment and evolving customer preferences. This shift represents our commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, focusing on delivering integrated, lifestyle-oriented services that resonate with the day-to-day lives of our customers.

Strengthening Our Roots in Texas

This transition is not just a change in business focus but also a deepening of our commitment to the Texas region. Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio are not just locations for us; they are communities where we have built relationships and understanding. Our new Consumer Services division will cater specifically to these cities, tailoring our offerings to meet the unique needs and values of Texans.

A Commitment to Our Customers

We understand this transition might bring questions and concerns. We assure all our Mantric Insiders and customers that this shift is a step towards providing more comprehensive and personalized services. Our core values of quality, transparency, and customer-centricity remain our guiding principles.

Looking Ahead

As we embark on this new chapter, we carry with us the spirit of innovation and dedication that has always been the hallmark of Mantric Labs. We are excited about the future and are committed to delivering excellence in all our new endeavors.

For more information, updates, and insights about our transition and future services, we invite our Mantric Insiders and all interested parties to visit our website and subscribe to our updates.

About Astric

Astric is a visionary company that has continually pushed the boundaries of innovation since its inception. With a diverse portfolio that spans across different sectors, Astric is committed to empowering communities and delivering exceptional value through its services and initiatives.



We thank our customers for their continued support and look forward to embarking on this exciting new journey together.

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